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Agata English Manual

The Agata Reports engine that is used in FreeMED is an enhanced version of their version 5 release. It has a few enhancements in the Merge functions, such as commenting, the ability to use ':' in merge lines, multiple subqueries, and additional markup tags.

New reports for the system should be placed in the lib/agata/report directory with a .report extension on the file (such as my_report.report). There is a meta information line which FreeMED uses to get information about the report. That line looks like this:

; ##name=My Report,type=merge,by=none##

"name" is the text name of the report. Letters, numbers, spaces and periods are acceptable in this name.

"type" is the type of output the report can create. "merge", "label" and "standard" are types of reports.

"by" is criteria to narrow the selection. "provider", "date", "none" are acceptable. Use '##BY##' in your queries to pass this value.