Directions for backing up and upgrading your 0.7.0 Beta FreeMED system.
Log in as root via ssh
In your web browser follow the url to the download for freemed on sourceforge.
At the root prompt type wget and paste the url for the download.
Do the same for phpwebtools and freeb.
Now it is time to back up the system.
Type mkdir ~/freemed_backup(todays date) For example- mkdir ~freemed_backup5-5-04
cp -R /usr/share/freemed ~/freemed_backup(todays date)/freemed
cp -R /usr/share/phpwebtools ~/freemed_backup(todays date)/phpwebtools
cp -R /usr/share/freeb ~/freemed_backup(todays date)/freeb
Now to backup the database
mysqldump -p -u root freemed_database_name_here > ~/freemed_backup(todays date)/freemed.sql
Usually the freemed database is named "freemed"... This will ask for the root mysql password.
Now just to check that this all worked do a
This should display the contents of the sql file... dont be concerned if you do not understand this. Be concerned if there is nothing there...
Now to clean house to prepare for the latest version.
cd /usr/share
moves to the share directory
removes the current freemed directory
removes the current phpwebtools...
Shutdown your freeb server(however this is done on your system)
removes the current freeb
Now to unpack everything
cd ~
tar -xzvf freemed(Your version here).tar.gz
tar -xzvf freeb(Your version here).tar.gz
tar -xzvf phpwebtools(Your version here).tar.gz
Now to copy them over to the proper place
cp -R ~/freemed-(Your version here) /usr/share/freemed
cp -R ~/freeb-(Your version here) /usr/share/freeb
cp -R ~/phpwebtools(Your version here) /usr/share/phpwebtools
Now to put the config files back.
cp -f ~/freemed_backup(Todays date)/freemed/lib/settings.php /usr/share/freemed/lib/settings.php
cp -f ~/freemed_backup(Todays date)/freeb/etc/freeb.conf /usr/share/freeb/etc/freeb.conf
Now to make the formats again.
cd /usr/share/freeb/ make
Now start your FreeB server again
cd /usr/share/freeb/bin/ ./ & Now type cd /usr/share
chown -R apache:apache freemed/ phpwebtools/ freeb/
Once this is done you can test out the new version