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ftrotter "I have added some small changes to the FreeMED.org sites, including updating the FAQ, Documentation, pointing the downloads to the latest files, and removing dead links.
Most importantly I have added the ability for other FreeMED Software Foundation Board Members to edit and update the site.
Fred Trotter"
Posted by on Saturday, March 19, 2005 - 10:58 AM (104 Reads) Read more... (35 bytes more) comments?
FreeMED Software Support Services |
fmvalier "FreeMED Software Foundation, Inc. is pleased to announce the formation of two companies to help physicians, specialists, nursing homes and small hospitals implement, maintain and migrate to Linux and FreeMED Software,
Ozzie Scutliff is heading FreeMED NY, Inc. Frank Valier is heading FreeMED MA, Inc. These companies have been authorized by the Foundation to provide certified support services for FreeMED Software. The managers of these companies are participants in the FreeMED Marketing Training Program.
The FreeMED Marketing Training Program is continuing to work with other individuals interested in providing certified support services The Training Program will be assisting other individuals launch their companies. If you are interested in participating in the Foundation's Marketing Training Program contact at Frank Valier at [email protected] for more information.
Posted by on Wednesday, June 09, 2004 - 05:07 PM (627 Reads) comments?
fmvalier "The training program is off to a good start. There are 12 individuals who signed up and agreed to become the first cohort group of this program. The program includes an intense experience determining individual marketing goals with emphasis on how to become a modern Value Driven Business. If you have any interest in this please don't wait until the last minute to sign-up. The class size has to be limited in order to maintain a quality experience. This program lasts for ten weeks and is underwritten by the FreeMED Software Foundation. So get in on it now if you are interested.
Frank M. Valier, Ph.D."
Posted by on Wednesday, June 09, 2004 - 05:07 PM (570 Reads) comments?
FreeMED 0.7.0 Beta 4 Released |
jeff "FreeMED 0.7.0 Beta 4 was released on Monday, May 3, 2004. It is the fourth in a series of beta releases in preparation for the final 0.7.0 release. This release consists mostly of packaging fixes and user contributed bugfixes, as well as more specialized reports. All users who are currently testing the 0.7.0 beta series should upgrade to this release.
Upgrades from this version to 0.7.0 should be seamless. The release can be downloaded from sourceforge.net. More information is available on freemed.org or freemedsoftware.com.
A more comprehensive list of changes since the last release is available in the details of this story."
Posted by on Tuesday, May 04, 2004 - 02:20 PM (818 Reads) Read more... (3020 bytes more) comments?
FreeMED 0.7.0 Beta 3 Released |
admin "FreeMED 0.7.0 Beta 3 was released on Thursday, March 25, 2004. It is the third in a series of beta releases in preparation for the final 0.7.0 release. This release consists mostly of packaging fixes and user contributed bugfixes, as well as more specialized reports. All users who are currently testing 0.7.0b2 should upgrade to this release.
Upgrades from this version to 0.7.0 should be seamless. The release can be downloaded from sourceforge.net. More information is available on freemed.org or freemedsoftware.com."
Posted by on Friday, March 26, 2004 - 02:13 PM (540 Reads) comments?
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